projects kenial mountains

Thanks secunet Security Networks AG

Big thank you to our friends from Security Networks AG for the 25 brand-new-high-tech-Laptops. The tech company Secunet is based in Essen, and is one of the big names in german IT security. But besides that, Secunet is on a mission: to help the kids and students of our children aid projects around the world. And we like that mission a lot. In our fast moving digital world its important for the kids, especially the older students, to learn how to use digital devices. Besides that, the Laptops improve their education and the kids have a chance to see a whole new world, thanks to the „www“.
Each Laptop is handed over personally to the children homes by our athletes, who travel the world. We can be proud about bringing some tech to children homes in Kathmandu, Nepal and of course to that remote all-girls convent school over in Ura, Bhutan. Hope you enjoy the surfing, girls. But also Kenya, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Albania, and a mother-child home in the Ukraine are places where kids can now explore the world wide web and also learn from it. We also want to go even more world wide with our mission. Therefore we are desperately looking for travellers to Guatemala, Sri Lanka, India, Marokko and Madagaskar. Do you want to help us and Secunet on that mission? Nice! It’s pretty easy: go on your travel, put some of our tech-stuff into your bags and we organize the handover for you. Hey, and if you liked what you just read – sharing is caring!
Cheers, Kenial