Warm clothes and shoes in Ladakh

The Lamayuru monastery in Ladakh, India. Over 20 young boys live in the old monastery walls at an altitude of over 3000m, and it is cold there. As with all our projects in India, it is only thanks to the help of Raman and ExadSports that it is possible to bring the items into the…

Climbing shoes for the children in Lviv

The first climbing shoes reach a children’s climbing group in Lviv. All the super-motivated kids are totally enthusiastic. They receive regular training, go on trips to the mountains and much more. Thanks to Lowa for supporting this project!

New shoes for the kids in Bogota

School has also started again in Bogota, and the little ones were given new shoes to welcome them, and the older kids were given backpacks and clothes. The neighbourhood in which the children live is marked by poverty and violence. The school is a place of peace and security for the children. And also for…

Warm clothes for Kyrgystan

Some time has passed, the transport in the country was time-consuming but it was worth it. The first items reach Karakol with Misha and the children there. The joy is huge, but there are many more children there. An accident halted the distribution for the time being, but hopefully it will continue in a few…

New items for the kids in Kenya

Esther flies new items to Kenya again and Bena is able to distribute them in January. Again and again she meets the orphans of Utunzi Kwa Watoto and ensures that they receive new sweaters, jackets and backpacks for their school supplies. It goes child by child and takes a while, as the children go to…

Hats and scarves

Thanks to Krystyna, who will be travelling to Ukraine again in winter 2023 to bring hats and scarves to the children at Bohorodchany School. And yes, soon there will be even more for the little climbers. Because climbing lessons at the school have finally started again. Thanks to the DAV and Susanne for their support!

Clothes for The Homestead

Sometimes a child’s life is in danger. We experience this time and time again. These kids now live in safety, better not to recognise them. But they lack all kinds of things. We now have some great clothes, thanks to the DAV for supporting this project with us.

New shoes and shirts for Bogota

In November, we reach out to the children and young people of the CES in Bogota. In June there was only something for the little kindergarten kids. But now it’s the youngsters’ turn and there are LOWA shoes and T-shirts. Thanks to Theresa and Ellen, Lowa and Alix – who together make this project possible.