Kenya 2015 • Kenya 2016 • Kenya 2017 • Kenya 2020 • Kenya 2021 • Kenya 2022 • Kenya 2023 • Kenya 2024
In December 2015 Jürgen Reinmüller and Anke Johannssen visited more than 100 HIV orphans arround the city Nakuru for the first time. Since over 10 years, the association kenianische Waisenkinder in Not e.V. together with the NGO Utunzi Kwa Watoto, takes care of them. They live at the foot of Mount Kenya, where it is raining almost 200 days a year. Many kids come down with lung inflammation. They brought them things that will help them in their daily life, in close collaboration with the NGO Utunzi Kwa Watoto. Precise and direct. Backpacks, warm jackets, raintrousers and more. The social worker Benedette Mugwe helped KENIAL to organize the transport and made it possible to visit almost all the kids. A few months later, the two mountaineers Ida and Hansjörg Profanter visited the kids again, on their way to Mount Kenya. And brought them high quality mountain shoes. Donated by LOWA.
Every mountaineer visiting Kenya can support these kids – and so make it also possible for more children to join the program of Utunzi Kwa Watoto. This means for a poor orphan to join a boarding school, get food and medical care. And so find a perspective in life. Just contact

Kids. The kids live in families, mostly with aunts or grandmothers, who accomodate them. Often in the smallest spaces. School education is most important to them.

Mount Kenya. Beautiful nature. There are several vegetation bands from the base to the summit. Great climbing.

Athletes. It is impressive and no big deal to help the kids around Nakuru.

Stephen has 4 sisters and a younger brother. Their parents are dead, they live with their grandma. He will be in boarding school next year, he has food and medical treatment – because of the support of Utunzi Kwa Watoto. His story is an example for the kids Benedett takes care for.

Contact in Kenya. As a social worker Benedett Mugwe, Utunzi Kwa Watoto, looks after the orphans around Nakuru, Kenya. Day by day. She knows, what the kids need most. And she coordinates this with us.

Travellers. Esther travels to Kenya every year. And brings the kenial things to the children every time.