South Africa 2020

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The Homestead helps street children to stabilize in a safe environment. Deal with substance abuse, behaviour and trauma issues, reignite their education and development and move back to their families when possible or to our Launchpad Project

The children. 65 former street children between 7 and 17 find a new home in the shelter of The Homestead in Cape Town. They can go to school again, experience everyday life, play soccer and much more.

The handover. KENIAL e.V. will start to Cape Town at the beginning of December to arrange the handover on site. Shirts, socks, shoes, balls and small tatonkis will be delivered.

Contact. Mr. Paul Hooper, the director of The Homestead is our direct point of contact on site. He shows us the impressive work of the Homestead. The shelter for street kids and a special house for youth aged 15 to 21 who are preparing to move on to independent living.