Clothing, shoes, backpacks and more for more than 150 children in Butan. Most of them orphans or from a very poor background.
Together with the BAAF we started in the capital Thimphu to support children joining a drug preventive sports program. Then we moved on to visit schools in rual areas all over the country. With the support of teachers in Ura, Whagdue and Haa we reached orphans and underprivileged children personally and directly. The BAAF meanwhile visited 30 children in Sakten.

The Children. More than 150 children from 7 to 16 located all over Bhutan. The children are orphans or live in very poor conditions. Their teachers were able to tell us details about their life circumstances.

We could visit many places in the country, over eternal gravel roads and endless mountain passes. We met more than 120 children in some really isolated places. And 28 Nuns, the youngest is 12 years old, living in a monestary.

Contact person. Klaus is one of the the most significant german experts on Bhutan. Only with his great knowledge of culture and habits we were able to complete this project successfully.

Contact in Bhutan: Besides the BAAF we could establish new contacts. Also directly to the rectors and teachers of the local schools. These know from the daily working with the children, what really helps.

Contact person: Dr. Brigitte Ibing supports us as real expert about Bhutan with lots of heart, knowledge and her contact network. Without her, running this project would be unimaginable.