A first kenial project in Iran. Bisotun – the giant rock in Iran, 5km in width and 1200 meters of vertical rock make Bisotun one of the most challenging walls. And at the same time UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, which carries ancient inscriptions and reliefs in three languages: Old Persian, Elamite, and Babylonian. The NGO Childfoundation provides and supports many children who are facing a cold winter.

We support 100 children of the NGO Childfoundation on site. The children are between 8 and 18 years old.

Bisotun, a giant rock, 5km in width and 1200 meters of vertical rock – one of the most challenging walls in the world. The summit of Bisotun is 2500m high above the sea level. There are more than 100 long multipitch routes on the wall. Even you could climb 1 or 2 pitches sport routes or doing lots of bouldering.

Athleten. Nasim Eshqi and Mehdi Pahnavar. Great climbers supporting this project in their home country.

The children need good shoes, warm jackets, backpacks for school things. Nasim will bring those items to the kids. Firts delivery tookk place in december 2018.

Sören organizes the first part of the transport for us. Iran connoisseurs and commuters between cultures. Mega thanks! With Sören and www.homa-reisen.de you can travel to Iran. Also to the big Big Wall climbing festival. But then hurry up.