A new project in Kathmandu. The organization Access Nepal takes care of children who have been forced into child labor. The children are found in brick factories, carpet weaving factories and in agriculture. Often they come from remote places in Nepal and only know their first names. Access takes the children into the Transit Home and sets out to find their parents and families. A tedious job. Often the staff are lucky and are able to take the children to their families from which the children were abducted. Sometimes the way back is not possible. Then the children stay at the Transit Home, go to school and find a new home here.

Kids. They know only hard work, 13 hours long and longer. They were mistreated by the bosses and have hardly any memories of their home. About 10 children are always in the transit home in Kathmandu.

Athletes. Alix von Melle and Luis Stitzinger are travelling to Nepal in October. And again they support our project and deliver the donations personally.

On site, Gokul helps us as the organizer and head of Access Nepal. He knows each child and their story. And Access does much more for the children in rural areas.

In the luggage are 10 backpacks with sturdy shoes, warm jackets, TShirts and a small stuffed animal. Thanks to Columbia and Tatonka, who made this project possible.

Eva travels to Nepal with her girlfriend in March 2023 to go trekking. And immediately after their arrival, the two of them spruce up the Transit Home. With new backpacks and more shoes for the children.

Thanks again to the sponsors Tatonka, DAV and LOWA for the great children’s clothes.