New clothes and backpacks for The Homestead

Birte is having a fabulous holiday in South Africa and of course she has kenial things with her. A whole 7 suitcases full of new clothes and backpacks for the boys from The Homestead in South Africa. All former street kids who have now found a new home. Thanks to the German Alpine Club DAV…

Clothes for the little ones

The head of the NGO Tong-Len is travelling in Europe and we give him suitcases with clothes for the new children from the slum, as well as laptops and mobile phones for the medical staff.

last exams of the college degrees in Kathmandu

We are so proud! The four young women have taken the last exams of their college degree. Results will not be available for another 2 months, but we are sure that all of them passed well. Now they are looking for jobs in Kathmandu. All four came to the new kopila Home in Kathmandu as…

New stuff for Mongolia

New backpacks, shoes and clothes for Mongolia. With this royal project, we are supporting the great work of the NGO Freundeskreis Mongolei, which supports children with disabilities and their families. We also support the employees of the Home Service, who help the families in their everyday lives at home, with rucksacks, shoes, etc. Thanks to…

Tina und Lukas visiting the New Kopila Home

Tina and Lukas are travelling halfway around the world. And time and again they visit kenial projects along the way. Like in Kyrgyzstan. At the end of April, they arrive at the New Kopila Home in Kthmandu and visit the kids together with Lukas’ parents. And they have some clothes in their luggage for the…

Clothes for Bogota

Beautiful pictures from Bogota. Again and again we reach the busy local social workers who support families in an entire neighborhood. A district characterized by poverty and violence. The focus of the work on site is a school, but also the support of entire families. Thanks to Theresa’s help on site, we can also support…

Warm clothes and shoes in Ladakh

The Lamayuru monastery in Ladakh, India. Over 20 young boys live in the old monastery walls at an altitude of over 3000m, and it is cold there. As with all our projects in India, it is only thanks to the help of Raman and ExadSports that it is possible to bring the items into the…

Some more clothes for the kids in Kenya

As many of the Utunzi Kwa Watoto children live in boarding schools, the distribution of the clothes takes a while. But when the kids come home from school on public holidays, Bena continues to diligently distribute clothes to the orphans. There are over 120 children in total and we could help many more. So please…

Climbing shoes for the children in Lviv

The first climbing shoes reach a children’s climbing group in Lviv. All the super-motivated kids are totally enthusiastic. They receive regular training, go on trips to the mountains and much more. Thanks to Lowa for supporting this project!