Climbing shoes for special climbing teams

Together with LOWA, we are able to distribute 160 pairs of climbing shoes to super ambitious climbers with disabilities and their carers. Thanks to Markus Reichart from Lebenshilfe Ostallgäu for all his support with the distribution. Thanks to Klaus from the Herzogsmühler Werkstätten, Marc from the Südbayrischen Wohn- und Werkstätten für Sehbehinderte and Marlies from…

climbing goes on

The climbing club at Bohorodtschany School no longer has a teacher. He is fighting in the war. But the 12 older pupils continue. They help the younger ones, organise competitions and stick together. Simply kenial!

flash boulder for kenial

“Kenial goes climbing”. snap routes and flash boulder. The youngster line up – from 10 up to 18 years. And the entry fee goes to 100 % to children who really need it. From this we bring warm jackets for children to the Pamir, rainwear in the Himalayas, sturdy shoes to every stony patch of…