South Africa 2020 • South Africa 2021 • South Africa 2023
In December 2020, our project will begin in Cape Town, together with The Homestead. The Homestead helps street kids stabilize in a safe environment. Addresses any substance abuse, behavioral and trauma issues. Takes care of education, school attendance, training of the boys. When possible, The Homestead tries to open the way back to the families, or place the boys in the affiliated Launchpad Project. To then live as independent and self-sufficient individuals. In total, The Homestead serves more than 400 boys per week, as social workers also care for children before they end up on the streets.

On our first visit 2020 we visit the 65 former street children between 7 and 17, who find a new home in the shelter in Cape Town. They can go to school again, experience a regular daily routine, play soccer and much more. The younger ones are accommodated in a large shelter, the older ones live in a supervised shared flat directly in the city.

In December 2021 Stefan and Crissi travel to Cape Town for kitesurfing. And visit the children of The Hoemestead beforehand. In their luggage are 50 kg of soccer clothes, donated by “Trikot für die Welt” from Hamburg.
We are always happy about travelers to Cape Town. We simply give what the boys need. This can then be picked up at the hotel, or you can visit the children together with the social workers.

In November 2023, a lot of very cool clothes will reach the boys through our dear Ellen. Thanks to the DAV for the great donation. You can see the kids’ joy. Even if their faces are “blurred” to protect them.