The district La Lisa is far from all tourism in Havana. Marina, a teacher of the local school, is taking care of 80 kids and their families. They need school supplies like pencils, writing pads, a computer for school… 30 of them are really music-enthusiastic kids. All of them are part of a dance group. They meet on a regular basis and train ambitiously. Many of them aim to make it to one of the well known dancing schools. For a future as a dancer. All of them enjoy being part of this group and the challenge. What is also missing is a propper music system. This is what we would like to bring them. And the kenial Kurt is moving mountains for Marina and the kids.

Kids. More than 80 kids in the district. 30 kids, who practice for their big performace. They are missing school supplies and a music system. Clothing.

Cuba. Sportclimbing. There are several spots on Cuba. Hiking, to discover the backland. To drift.

Athletes. Kurt Hartel and Fuzzy Garhammer. Freerider of the first hour and alpinists. The music attract them to Cuba. Kurt Hartel, as a musician, Fuzzy Garhammer as a filmmaker.

Contact. Marina. She knows the children in La Lisa, and also their families. She is working as a teacher at the local school and also guiding the dance group.

In december 2015 the children already received shirts and footballs. A second time Kurt visited the Kids in September 2016. And in dec 16 he brought them a computer and other school supplies. We know exactly what the kids need: pencils, paper, and still missing: a good sound system. Kurt will be back on site in January 2022, with backpacks for the youth in his luggage.

In January 2023, Kurt, who has made a film about Cuban music, is back in the country. The Cubans are visibly worse off after the pandemic. He has clothes for the children and a laptop for Marina.