
Kenya August 2016

The mountaineers Ida and Hansjörg reached the Lenana summit of the Mount Kenya on a beautiful morning. For KENIAL they visited the orphans around Nakuru, supervised by Bena and the NGO Utunzi Kwa Watoto. They handed out high quality mountain shoes, warm jackets for the youngest kids and shirts for the older ones. It is amazing how easy it is to help in a directly and personally way. Thanks to Bena, our wonderful contact in Kenya. With her help what exactly know what the kids need. Thanks to LOWA and Arthur for all the high quality shoes. Also for the porters in the Mount Kenya National Park. With the help of Marmot we could at least bring the very young children a warm jacket, and finally thx to the climbing gym in Gilching for all the Shirts. And of course: the biggest hug to Ida and Hansjörg. So great that you joined our kenial project. Awesome! Moving Mountains for children in need, in the spots we love. Kenya 2016

schuhe3 summit little_bena